Mary Diana Samuel


Mary Diana Samuel was born April 25, 1982 and died January 6, 1995. That brief life was devoted to voracious reading and some expounding of the scriptures. Her main treatise was, The Omnipotent God gave everything when he emptied Himself of all glory and riches and came on earth to take the form of a servant.

On earth He could have created the most powerful financial empire, but chose to sacrifice Himself for the human race. Since the Omnipotent God gave, we must also give of ourselves and our resources.

If Mary Diana Samuel were alive today, she would have committed her life to be like Mother Theresa. We all cannot be like Mother Theresa, but our contribution to the down trodden, orphans and homeless will make us repositories of the deeds of the saints gone before us. When we give, our Heavenly Father will pour out His love and provide abundantly all He has to give.

The Mary Diana Samuel Corporation is proud to announce that an orphanage is in place in Piruvalur (20 miles from Chennai (Madras), India. An orphanage has been built for $200,000. This will house 100 children.

Every year we take a mission team of about 14 people, to the orphanage. Up till now, we have taken three mission trips. This has been a life changing experience for all who came.
